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Таҳти ин унвон дар Академияи идоракунии давлатии назди Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон конференсияи байналмилалӣ тариқи онлайн баргузор гардид.
Дар конференсияи мазкур меҳмонон аз созмонҳои байналмилалии CARITAS, UNISEF, ERASMUS+, Ассотсиатсияи кӯмаки Ҷопон дар Тоҷикистон, Донишгоҳи давлатии Хуҷанд ба номи академик Б. Ғафуров, Ташкилоти ҷамъиятии волидони кӯдакони имконияташон маҳдуд ва мутахассисон «Рушди Инклюзия» ширкат ва суханронӣ намуданд.
Сухани ифтитоҳиро сардори раёсати робитаҳои байналмилалӣ Мухторов Зайниддин оғоз намуда, қайд намуд, ки Академияи идоракунии давлатии назди Президенти Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон барои татбиқи «Барномаи миллии барқарорсозии маъюбон барои солҳои 2017-2020» ва дар чаҳорчӯбаи лоиҳаи «Рушди хизматрасонӣ ба шахсони имконияташон маҳдуд» (DECIDE) аз ҷониби Барномаи байналмилалии Иттиҳоди Аврупо ERASMUS+ дастгирӣ ёфта, чорабиниҳо дар доираи лоиҳа барои солҳои 2019 – 2021 татбиқ мегардад.
Дар конференсия мавзӯъҳои зерин баррасӣ гардиданд:
- Асосҳои ҳуқуқии кор бо шахсони маъюб;
- Муқаррароти Конвенсияи СММ оид ба ҳуқуқи маъюбон;
- Моделҳои муосири кор бо маъюбон;
- Муносибатҳои байналмилалӣ дар соҳаи кор бо маъюбон;
- Нақши ҳукумати маҳаллӣ дар кор бо маъюбон;
- Таҷрибаи байналмилалӣ дар кор бо маъюбон;
- Фарогирии маъюбон дар хизмати давлатӣ.
Ҳамзамон дар конференсияи мазкур меҳмонони зерин баромад намуданд:
- Профессор Анҷела Репановичи — роҳбари лоиҳаи Erasmus + DECIDE, Донишгоҳи Трансилванияи Брасов, дар мавзӯи “Дурнамои минбаъдаи лоиҳаи марбут ба шахсони имконияташон маҳдуд”;
- Ранохон Додоҷонова — мудири лоиҳаи Созмони миллии шахсони имконияташон маҳдуди Тоҷикистон. Мавсуф дар мавзӯи “Мо метавонем” — Достони муваффақият”;
- Истамқулов Ҷамшед — мушовири миллии лоиҳаи «Рушди хизматрасонӣ ба шахсони имконияташон маҳдуд» (DECIDE), дар мавзӯи “Татбиқи лоиҳаи Erasmus + DECIDE: мушкилот ва имкониятҳо дар самти таълими фарогир дар Тоҷикистон”;
- Умеда Мунавварова — мушовири Барномаи тавонбахшӣ дар сатҳи ҷамоаҳо дар созмони Caritas-и Олмон дар Тоҷикистон, дар мавзӯи “Моделҳои ҳифзи иҷтимоии шахсони имконияташон маҳдуд дар сатҳи ҷомеа дар Тоҷикистон”;
- Халимов Фирӯз – мудири Ассотсиатсияи кӯмаки Ҷопон дар Тоҷикистон, дар мавзӯи “Самтҳои минбаъдаи Ассотсиатсияи кӯмаки Ҷопон дар робита бо дастгирии шахсони имконияташон маҳдуд дар Ҷумҳурии Тоҷикистон”.
Дар муҳокимарониҳо меҳмонон аз Донишгоҳи Мидлисикси Британияи Кабир – Ҷил Витней, аз Донишгоҳи Крити Гретсия – Манолис Коукракис, аз Донишкадаи инноватсиноӣ ва менеҷменти шаҳри Кӯлоб — Ҳабибулло Нозимов ширкат варзида, андешаҳои худро доир ба масъалаҳои мавриди муҳокима иброз намуданд.
Дар фарҷоми чорабинии илмӣ вобаста ба самтҳои ҳамкории минбаъда дар доираи лоиҳаи мазкур музокира баргузор гардида, нуктаҳои муҳим баён шуданд.
As part of the implementation of the work plan of the «Developing Services for Individuals with Disabilities» (DECIDE) project OF Erasmus+ program, the conference was scheduled on May 21 — 22, 2020. The project team from the Academy of Public administration under the President of Tajikistan starting from March 2020, coordinated the holding of this event with the Ministry of Education and Science of Republic of Tajikistan and the Executive office of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan. In this regard, the leadership of the Academy sent a letter to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan and received approval, and accordingly the Ministry distributed this letter to all universities in the country. We began to receive responses and texts of participants’ reports. Unfortunately, the onset of a pandemic has become a barrier to this international event. After that, this event was postponed to a certain later time, and despite all the difficulties, with our project team lieder Angela Repanovici from Transylvania University of Brasov in Romania and national coordinator of the project – Jamshed Istamkulov from Khujand state University named after Gafurov we managed to hold this event using online technology on November 11, 2020.
The Public Administration Academy under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan informs that on November 11, 2020 for the implementation of the «National Rehabilitation Program for the Disabled for 2017 – 2020» and the project titled Erasmus+ DECIDE — «Developing Services for Individuals with Disabilities» (DECIDE) in the framework of International Program of European Union ERASMUS + holds a scientific-practical conference on «Implementation of service models for individuals with disabilities.» The following issues will be discussed at the conference:
- Legal basis for work with individuals with disabilities;
- Provisions of the UN Convention on the Rights of Individuals with Disabilities;
- Modern models of work with Individuals with disabilities;
- International relations in the field of work with Individuals with disabilities;
- The role of local government in working with Individuals with disabilities;
- International experience in working with Individuals with disabilities;
- Coverage of persons with disabilities in the civil service.
Online guests and speakers:
Angela Repanovici — Transylvania University of Brasov, Romania
DECIDE project leader
Daniela Popa — Transylvania University of Brasov. Assoc. Prof.
Sven Riddell — TUD; EU Project Assistant
Olga Vericheva – Head of the Social Work Department of Kostroma state University of Russian Federation.
Zhanyl Bekmurzayeva — Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Head of the International Partnership Office
Aigerim Kanafina — Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Irina Parkhomenko — A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University As. Proffessor
Zeinep Eshmuratova — Chairman of Public Foundation «Center for development and protection of vulnerable groups of the population» — Kyrgyzstan.
Maksat Mamyrkanov – Docent of Social work Department of International University of Kyrghyzstan
Aliman Sutenova — Assoc. Prof. of Social work Department of International University of Kyrghyzstan.
Cosima Reichert – Caritas. Integrated Expert.
Zarina Nuridinova — National Erasmus+ Office. Programme Coordinator
Ranokhon Dododzhonova — National Union of persons with disabilities of Tajikistan. Project Manager
Eraj Sodatsayrov – Education Specialist of UNICEF Tajikistan.
Shahnoz Valijonbekova — Education Specialist of UNICEF. Tajikistan.
Mubin Abduvaliev – representative of International Partnership Office of Commercial University of Tajikistan.
Mubin Rustamov — representative of UNDP in Tajikistan
Jamshed Istamkulov – Khujand State University, National Coordinator.
Habibullo Nozimov — Kulob Institute of Technology and Innovation Management
Offline guests of Public Administration Academy under the President of Republic of Tajikistan in the Assembly hall of the Academy:
Hokimbek Sodiqzoda – Chief specialist of guaranties of Human rights Department of the Executive Office of the President of Tajikistan
Umeda Munavvarova — Caritas Branch of Germany in Tajikistan. Community Rehabilitation Program Coordinator
Firuz Halimov – Administrative manager of Association for Aid and Relief, Japan.
Genjali Akhverdiev – Project manager of Association for Aid and Relief, Japan.
Zamira Nabieva — Public Organization of Parents of Children with Disabilities and Specialists «Rushdi Inclusia»
Administration of the Academy
Davron Safarov – Vice-rector of Public Administration Academy under the President of Republic of Tajikistan.
Somon Ismatov – Vice-rector of international relations of Public Administration Academy under the President of Republic of Tajikistan.
Other offline guests and participants:
Staff of Academy of Public Administration under the President of Republic of Tajikistan: deans of faculties, heads of departments, students, magisters, researchers in in the Assembly hall of the Academy.
PPT format of the presentations will be attached with an online conference link.
YouTube video National Congress for Persons with Disabilities of Tajikistan, 3-5 December 2018. Rano Dodojonova
Welcome speech of LEAR and trainer of the DECIDE project in Public Administration Academy under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan.
First of all, a warm welcome to all guests, and a warm greeting to all of you to this exciting and vibrant international conference. You are welcome Honorable gusts and specialists, who dedicates life for individuals with special needs. let me introduce our esteemed guests with whom we work in the framework of this project and hope in the future to continue productive cooperation in the field of working with people with disabilities. We hope that today we find useful and correct answers from the reports and speeches of the participants. We must create all the opportunities so that people with disabilities never feel infringed by limitations. As we need them, so they need us, we fill in the gaps existing in the life of society. We need them because they teach us to patiently overcome difficulties, they teach us to enjoy life, but they are our teachers, our mentors, guides, they lead us to success. therefore, we must also help them as much as we can. We must always share together our successes and difficulties, joy and hopes. Using the opportunity, I want briefly present my report on the main areas of work with people with disabilities.
Welcome speech of LEAR and trainer of the DECIDE project in Academy Mukhtorov Zaynidin
Offline guests and participants in Assembly hall of Public administration Academy
Assembly hall of Public administration Academy
Presentation process in conference
Guests and speakers from other organizations in conference