Institute Director
Phone: +992
Political processes, diplomacy and globalization research institute was established by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated February 29, 2020 No. 1463 as a separate and independent structure of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan. Within the framework of its functions, the Institute carries out scientific, research and analytical activities related to political processes, diplomacy and globalization.
The institute has the following infrastructure training centers:
- Center for the Study of Globalization and International Relations;
- Center for the Study of Public Opinion and Political Processes;
- Center for Countering Terrorism and Extremism;
- Center for the Prevention of Domestic Violence.
The first two centers are basic and should conduct theoretical and ideological research.
The two remaining centers were established for a limited time to carry out projects implemented in cooperation with government and international partners of the Academy.
It is not excluded that for the implementation of new projects it is possible to establish additional subdivisions in the structure of the Institute.
The main goal of the i u87mnjgfdsnstitute is to promote educational, analytical activities, strengthen the scientific base, theoretical and practical research. To achieve the set goals, the Institute conducts the following tasks:
– development, collection and preparation at the advanced scientific and technical level of scientific data related to the problems of politics, diplomacy and globalization;
– study, analysis and presentation of conclusions on political and political phenomena, diplomacy and globalization on the basis of scientifically based methods;
– development and participation in scientific, research and public projects and programs or participation in them as an independent member;
– establishing mutually beneficial cooperation with government bodies and institutions for the implementation of state policy in various spheres of public life;
– ensuring cooperation and scientific relations with researchers on science issues, ensuring high quality protection of scientific research works in the fields of political science, diplomacy and globalization;
– cooperation with public organizations and international organizations to obtain grants and sources of funding for the implementation of scientific, research and analytical projects and programs;
– ensuring control over the timely and high-quality performance of scientific research work in accordance with the approved technical conditions and programs;
– organization, conduct and participation in cultural and political events;
– development of textbooks, training modules and other printed materials to enhance the political culture of civil society;
– participation and promotion of propaganda work on the implementation of state policy in various spheres of public life;
– organizing and conducting seminars, conferences, round tables and symposia on the topics of their activities;
– cooperation, assistance and advice to students and researchers on scientific work related to politics, diplomacy and globalization.