
Throughout human history, the role of its great sons and daughters has been very effective and important in guiding individual peoples and nations towards happiness, prosperity and peace.  It is their achievements that make up a set of historical events, and their work and heroism determine the historical stages and periods.  One of the great sons of this nation, who came to the arena of history in the sensitive and crucial moments of the Tajik nation and saved this nation from a bloody war and destruction, led it to victory and prosperity, Founder of Peace and National Unity – Leader of the Nation, President of Tajikistan His Excellency Emomali Rahmon.  This noble historical figure and enduring national face was able to unite the people in a very short historical period and re-acquaint them with the national values ​​and traditions of the state.


The first achievement of this historical figure in the path of statehood and nation-building was the achievement of global peace, which was able to lay the foundation for the steady development of certain spheres of public life in the country.  After a thousand years of statelessness, the Tajik nation finally had a state called Tajikistan, and for the first time in the history of this nation and state, the name of the famous “Tajik” nation was engraved in its roots.


The leader of the Tajik nation with his merits, achievements, unity and statehood has laid the foundation of a great school of statehood, which is very unique and educational, and there is a need for comprehensive study and research.  Much has been said about the merits of this historical figure in the process of state-building and statehood.  and countless books have been written.


The President of our country is a person who, through the far-sighted policy of building a democratic, law-based, secular and unified state of Tajikistan, has entered the political map of the world.


The fight against organized crime, terrorism, drug trafficking, poverty reduction, business development, national customs and traditions, the call for the great construction of the century, the construction of railways, tunnels Istiqlol, Ozodi, Four Cells, Shahristan and hundreds.  Another initiative was achieved with the full solidarity and active participation of the people of the country.  The speeches and appeals of the head of the nation to the people of the country will always find support and sympathy of the Tajik society, as these measures are timely, sincere and with an understanding of the realities of today.


The 30-year history of Tajikistan’s independence testifies to the fact that thanks to the good efforts of this son of the nation, the country has finally found the place it lost.  And this 30-year history has once again proved that in our ancient civilization, without the efforts and worries of the people, society will not survive.


The adoption of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan “On the Founder of Peace and National Unity” at the end of 2015 is undoubtedly one of the most memorable events not only in that year, but also in the recent history of our country.  Tajikistan is a testimony of love, devotion and respect for the people of the country for the work and sacrifice and the great role of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan His Excellency Emomali Rahmon in the formation of the statehood of Tajikistan, ensuring stability, security, unity and, most importantly, hope for a prosperous and prosperous future.


Therefore, if we do not use this valuable treasure and free capital, which lies in the personality of this great man, for the benefit of the nation and the future development of the country, it will be ingratitude.  But, fortunately, the glorious people of Tajikistan are well aware of the value of this gift of destiny and the value of this treasure, and they associate their future with the active work of their leader Emomali Rahmon.



student of the Academy

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