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Tourism is more than just sightseeing. No boring memories. On the contrary, traveling somewhere and visiting new places always gives a person high spirits, fresh vision and new ideas. Traveling and meeting new places and new people will forever be immortalized on the pages of the book of life with lines of happiness. These are the characteristics that make all people love to travel and always want to visit beautiful, interesting and historical places.


Last year, one of my old dreams came true – to visit the historical city of Samarkand. More precisely, with the initiative and direct support of the leadership of the Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, this dream of mine and ours came true.

From October 7 to 9 2022 year, in order to strengthen national self-consciousness and strengthen friendship and companionship between the two countries, a group of employees of the Academy of Public Administration, in agreement with the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan, visited  to the historical sites of the city of Samarkand, the House-museum of the first president of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan, Hero of the Republic of Tajikistan Sadriddin Ainy,  Registon square of Samarkand city, the Madrasa of Shahi Zinda and Samarkand State University named after Sh. Rashidov.

And also we visited to the mausoleum of Khoja Doniyor XV century, the resting place of the statesman and politician and the first President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islom Abdughanievich Karimov.

A trip to historical Samarkand was completely different from other trips. We found the city of Samarkand as a familiar place. The hospitable people, our Uzbek friends and brothers, received and welcomed us with special sincerity and love. During the trip, I felt that the residents of the city of Samarkand of the Republic of Uzbekistan are really hospitable, and we visited some of the historical places of these places.

I am sure that in the future, more memorable trips will be organized to raise the level of world outlook of the Academy’s staff.


Chief specialist of the department of work with women and girls of the Academy

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