
A woman in a Tajikistan has always played the role of the main one was and is. For beauty, humility and enlightenment are inherent in a woman and gives freshness and purity to the life of a man and the inhabitants of the house. In life, being a woman and educated, she allows you to raise the moral level of the family and raise children and other family members. This requirement forms the basis of the culture of marriage, because a woman’s education has a profound impact on her children. Therefore, from the beginning of history to the present day, our people attach great importance to the education of women.


It is a great honor for us that the head of state appreciates the work of women and girls, has good views on their activities and understands the opinions, abilities, talents, dedication and courage of each person. This is due to the fact that there is an active participation of women and girls in all spheres of society.

All they do is talk about numerous problems: “there is nothing to eat, there is nothing to buy, there is nothing in the wallet, in general – it’s hard, hard, hard …”. Tsh is when fate is hard, then they turn to a woman. When calculations and calculations no longer help, when enmity and mutual destruction reach the brink, then they come to a woman. When evil forces take over, then a woman is called. A lot depends on a Woman’s love and dislike. All opposites converge in a woman’s heart, it is true, but always, at different times, women carried the light of tenderness, purity, chastity – the best feminine qualities for all times and peoples.

For millennia, a woman has been seen as a second-class being. But at an early stage of the development of human society, her role was leading. It was she who collected fruits for food, took care of the hearth, sewed clothes. She was at the head of the family and the clan. Kinship was determined on the maternal side. Probably, from that distant era of matriarchy, there is an idea of the main duty of a woman — to be the keeper of the hearth.

And at the same time, chivalry appears, the feminine ideal acquires a new interpretation. They began to believe that in addition to the ability to work, look after children and a man, a noble woman should have the qualities of a gallant lady: she should dress exquisitely, keep up a conversation, dance gracefully, be fragile, majestic, inspire a male knight. Time has passed, women’s dreams of equality with men have come true, emancipation has opened up unlimited opportunities for self-improvement for women. The woman gained economic independence, the man lost the role of the sole breadwinner of the family. The feminist movement has gained momentum.

But the equality of men and women today does not mean identity. No equality, no social order, no scientific progress, no development of civilization will lead to the fact that men will give birth to children. A woman, whoever she is by profession, is first of all a wife and mother. And this is its most important purpose.

The period of independence set a responsible mission of patriotism and patriotism for young people, including women and girls. This important historical mission requires them to educate a self-conscious generation to independently pay their child’s debt to the Motherland. It was pleasant that in the creation of a democratic society of independent Tajikistan, much attention is paid to the education of women and girls will be as an educated woman, she can not only occupy leading positions with ingenuity, but also develop society. Women in Tajikistan’s society make up 50 percent of the population, and the diversity of the country’s national economy plays an important role in the process. Currently, in all cities and districts of the country, educated and educated women and girls in the field of education, healthcare, business, in state affairs are also growing from year to year. Indeed, in life, the fact that a woman is frank and educated allows her to increase her level the spirituality of the family has increased, and children and other family members have received education.

Today, in the cities of the regions of the republic, women in the field of education, healthcare, entrepreneurship, as well as in public affairs, their number is increasing every year. The same big question reads: “A society in which women occupy leading positions is considered active.”

Independence has created a wonderful environment for a Tajik woman to learn, learn, hone her craft and live a decent life to become. The announcement of 2019-2021 “years of rural development, tourism and folk crafts” will allow Tajik women to use crafts his ancestors entered a number of state programs, were attracted to vocational training centers and received jobs and incomes that are directly related to this step led to a positive economic situation in each family due to independence. gives. State sovereignty towards the recognition of political persons of women and women, their active participation in the political, economic, social and cultural life of the country has contributed. The development of acts regulating the life and activities, the role of women in society and the protection of her interests since the time of the first independence ratified, year after year since taking into account the requirements of the era, they are strengthened.

Today, in the civilized society of dear Tajikistan, the role of women is very great, it is important to note that they function in all structures of public administration standing up to this end, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan dated December 3, 1999 “On measures to raise the status of women in society”, as well as the State program for the education, selection and sorting of senior personnel of the Republic of Tajikistan at the expense of women and girls in particular, giftedness for 2007-2016.

Today our women work and work in different spheres of life thanks to their honest work and professionalism, their reputation in society has risen high. With the support of the founder of peace and national unity, the Leader of the nation, dear Emomali Rahmon, committed to strength, determination and dedication, the responsibility of Tajik women is full confidence, a stable regulatory framework legal measures to strengthen the position of women in the socio-political life of the country have created a balanced gender policy. Messages every year, the head of state is sent to the Majlisi Oli of the country, which is one of the goals the main thing will be devoted to the issues of women and the family, a retelling of the political will the country’s leadership on women’s issues.

It should be noted that today with the support and assistance of the state and the government there are many young women studying in the Republic of Tajikistan in foreign countries. Training in developed countries, familiarity with methods new jobs and practical training in various fields the economic and social forces of developed countries are taking young girls on a new path pure guides and broadens their horizons. They come with the look and look of returning to their homeland again, for its prosperity on the basis of knowledge and skills. All this leads to the fact that Tajik women are educated and have good professional skills. That is, the right choice of profession today contributes to the development and strengthening of our state. Good professionalism and understanding have a positive impact on the progress of the country’s industry and put our state and nation on a high socio- economic foundation. It should be noted that one of the main directions in the policy of the state leadership is the issue of raising the level of education of young women is. Because it is an educated and educated woman who can educate and educate Salih’s children as the driving force of society to deliver.

Today, a Tajik woman mother, along with preserving the sanctity of the family, also conducts office work in all spheres of society, assumes leadership positions and is a leading supporter of a peaceful policy the state and the government contribute to the improvement and the values of state independence have infinity. Tajik women deserve this trust and sincerely try they make an even greater contribution to the realization of the goals of an independent state. Because this land with all the progress and success, with everyone, it was our beloved Homeland, and its progress and prosperity depend on work and activity, each of us, the owner, depends. To do this, a Tajik woman needs to constantly improve her knowledge and skills, taking a certain position with labor, make efforts for patriotism and patriotism. To set goals of creation, improvement and creation, to get them to try.

In this regard, high-ranking Tajik women need to have a high national sense, patriotism, self-awareness and self-knowledge of independence fortunately, in response to the care of the Great Leader of the Nation, healthy and enlightened children were brought up so that they had the right traditions. National, active participation in public affairs, respect for the rule of law and social justice for the bright future of dear Tajikistan. We are pleased to state that the women and women of the country work and work together with men in the implementation of State policy and make a worthy contribution to the development of a democratic, legal and secular society.


musters degree of Academy

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