
Water is an essential source for the normal functioning of all ecosystems on Earth. Unfortunately, it is already scarce in many parts of the world today. According to UN experts, approximately one-sixth of the world’s population does not have access to clean drinking water, and one-third has no access to water for domestic needs. A child dies every eight seconds from water-related illnesses, and 2.4 billion people lack adequate sanitation. Global climate change could further complicate the water supply situation.


In December 2016, the UN General Assembly declared the period 2018-2028 as the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028,” which aims to support sustainable development and integrated water resources management, promoting cooperation and partnerships in support of internationally agreed water goals and targets, including those of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The UN Secretary-General’s Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Water Decade of Action was released by the President of the 73rd Session of UNGA on March 22, 2018, during its High-Level Launch Event. This plan identifies current and potential activities of the UN system and international organizations, as well as planned operational measures to support Member States in the implementation of the Water Decade of Action.

In this regard, the Government of Tajikistan, committed to continuing its efforts to provide a platform for water policy dialogue, partnership and action at the global, regional and national levels, holds high-level conferences supported by the UN and other partners as part of the implementation of the Decade. A series of these events constitute the “Dushanbe Water Process”. As part of this process, the First International High-Level Conference on the Implementation of the International Decade of Action, Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028 (First Dushanbe Water Decade Implementation Conference) was held in Dushanbe on June 20-21, 2018.

The conference resulted in recommendations to the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, which took place in 2018 and adopted them for an in-depth review as part of the implementation of the SDGs. The final declaration of the First Dushanbe Conference confirmed that the next conference should focus on “Fostering Water Action and Partnerships at Local, National, Regional and Global Levels” in order to achieve the goals of the Decade and the water-related goals and targets of the SDGs. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Second Dushanbe Conference on Implementing the Water Decade of Action was postponed to 2022. The second high-level international conference on the International Decade of Action “Water for Sustainable Development, 2018-2028” entitled “Stimulating Water Actions and Partnerships at Local, National, Regional and Global Levels” was held on June 6-9, 2022 in Dushanbe. Given the accelerated emergence of challenges and the fact that the coronavirus disease has demonstrated the critical role of safe and accessible drinking water, adequate and equal sanitation and hygiene facilities that must be available and accessible to all, and the importance of water in economic recovery, the 2022 conference will take a fresh look at the theme “Stimulating action and partnerships for water at the local, national, regional and global levels,” focusing on the need to move to “smart” solutions to the problems of water and sanitation.

The General Assembly decided to hold the United Nations Conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the International Decade for Action, “Water for Sustainable Development,” 2018-2028, in New York from 22 to 24 March 2023, in conjunction with World Water Day

The main objectives of the Conferences are to raise awareness of timely and effective implementation of SDG6 and other water-related SDGs, and to discuss the next steps in the implementation of the International Decade of Action, 2018-2028 Plan of Action at global, regional and country levels.

The Conference will also focus on how Member States, relevant UN institutions, specialized agencies, Regional Commissions and other UN organizations, as well as other relevant partners, including the private sector, can contribute to the International Decade in support of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. It will also provide an opportunity to discuss the importance of concrete means of implementation, including monitoring, financing, capacity building, access to technology and innovation, and facilitating partnerships with the private sector and civil society.



master student of the Academy

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